Location: Dăieşti commune, Vâlcea county (RAN: 169397.01; VL-I-s-B-09574)
The fortification is located south of the present settlement, at the point called Cetate, on a high terrace, near to where the creek Trantul flows in Olt. Today it is covered by modern constructions, being visible only part of the eastern side, an area where rescue excavations were conducted (D. Tudor, H. Nubar, P. Purcărescu 1966; Cr. M. Vlădescu, Gh. Poenaru-Bordea 1983-1985). The archaeological excavations revealed two phases: the earthen fort, assumed to be from Traian’s era, respectively the stone fort. The dimensions of the east side could not be specified, being preserved across a length of 69.60 m. Stone wall, built in the opus incertum technique, it was 1.50 m thick. Two defence ditches, respectively curtain towers, of quadrangular shape, protruding slightly outward were observed on this side. Traces of wooden barracks were discovered inside. Based on the observations regarding the architecture of the fortification and the artefacts discovered, it was assumed that the construction of the stone fort was undertaken during Hadrian’s reign. A stamp of cohort I Hispanorum (AE 1995, 1305) was discovered, which could date from the era of Trajan or Hadrian.
Based on the digital model of the terrain (fig. 16.7) we tried to reconstruct the shape and dimensions of the fortification, but our working hypothesis has a high degree of probability (fig. 16.8).
Part of the study:
Ovidiu Țentea, Florian Matei-Popescu, Vlad Călina, Frontiera romană din Dacia Inferior. O trecere în revistă și o actualizare. 1., Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 28.1, pag. 9-90, 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.28.1.01
D. Tudor, H. Nubar, P. Purcărescu, MCA 9, 1970, 245-250; TIR L 35, 66; Tudor 1968, 272-273; Tudor 1978, 271, nr. 11; Vlădescu 1983, 91-92, nr. 13; Vlădescu 1986, 43-46; Cr. M. Vlădescu, Gh. Poenaru-Bordea, MCA Ploieşti, 1992, 223-229; R. Avram, D. Avasiloaiei, SCIVA 46, 1995, 193-195; Gudea 1997, 89-90, nr. 75; Petolescu 2002, 110; Gudea 2005, 496, nr. VII. B. 6; Marcu 2009, 230-231, nr. 69.