The papers can be written in one of the following languages: Romanian, English, French, German or Italian. Evaluation and review of the articles will be done using double-blind review and according to the evaluation grid. Articles must include an abstract written in the same language as the main body of the text and another in English. If the article is already written in English, authors should translate the abstract in a different foreign language.
Submitted papers, including abstract, main text, list of illustrations, must be in MS Word format. The used font should be Times New Roman, 11, single-spaced and justified. If special characters (usually for Greek or Cyrillic) were used in the text, please attach a different file with the particular fonts. These must correspond to the official standards for transliteration.
Authors will mention at the end of the paper their full names, institutional affiliations or, if applicable, independent researcher and email addresses. These will be published at the end of the article.
The paper will be submitted in both Word format and PDF (as reference) next to the illustrations (see below).
The elements that compose the manuscript:
If there are missing elements when the paper is submitted, the editorial team will contact the author/authors and ask for a complete submission. In this case, the paper will be evaluated only after all documents are received.
These rules were designed to facilitate the evaluation of each paper and its editing.
If the files exceed 25 MB please use an online document transfer platform.
Please submit your papers at the following address:
Referencing system
Each paper should use a single referencing system according to the scientific norms. We suggest the following system:
Footnotes will be used for referencing. These will be numbered chronologically from 1 to n throughout the entire paper. For these use Times New Roman font, 10, single-spaced. Footnotes will have the following format: Author, date, page. For the papers written in Romanian, the notes added to the last word of a sentence will be included before the full stop. For the papers written in English, the notes added to the final words will be added after the full stop.
Both in footnotes and list of references use “and” between multiple authors or editors of a volume/ collection. Each footnote and reference entry in the list will be followed by a full stop.
Piso 1991, 37.
Oltean and Hanson 2013, 117.
Mateescu și Babeș 1968, 284.
Preoteasa et al. 2017, 250.
For marking the editors of a volume please use the contraction used in the language of the paper submitted to Cercetări Arheologice (e.g. for articles in Romanian use ed., for English use eds.)
For online sources include in the reference list the URL or the name of the database for the online version of the article. Where possible, please include the DOI at the end of the reference.
All titles will be completely spelled out.
Journal articles
Piso, I. 1991. Die Inschriften vom Pfaffenberg und der Bereich der Canabae legionis. Tyche 6: 131-169.
Anghelinu, M., Niță, L. and Cordoș. C. 2020. Contrasting approaches to lithic assemblages: a view from no man’s land. Cercetări Arheologice 27: 33-44, DOI:
Preoteasa, L., Vespremeanu-Stroe, A., Panaiotu, C., Rotaru, S., Țuțuianu, L., Sava, T., Bîrzescu, I., Dimofte, D., Sava, G., Mirea, D.-G. and Ailincăi, S.-C. 2019. Neolithic to modern period palaeogeographic transformations in southern Danube delta and their impact on human settlements in the Enisala-Babadag region, Quaternary International 504: 139-152, DOI:
Greene, K. 1980. The Archaeology of the Roman Economy. Berkeley and Los Angeles: California University Press.
Edited books
Hanson, W.S. and Oltean, I. (eds.). 2013. Archaeology from historical aerial and satellite archives. New York: Springer.
Translated book
Syme, R. 2010. Revoluția romană. Tradus de Gabriel Tudor și Simona Ceaușu. București: Editura All.
Sections in books with multiple editors
Maxwell, G.S. 1991. Springboards for invasion – marching camp concentrations and coastal installations in Roman Scotland, in: V. A. Maxfield and M J. Dobson (eds.) Roman frontier studies: proceedings of the XVth International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies: 111-113. Exeter: University of Exeter Press.
Section in a numbered monograph
Conovici, N. 1998. Les timbres amphoriques. 2. Sinope (Touiles timbrees comprises) (Histria VIII). Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică.
Ancient sources
Vitruvius (Marcus Vitruvius Pollio). De Architectura. 10 Books on Architecture. Tradus de Morris Hicky Morgan, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914.
Yale University. n.d. About Yale: Yale Facts. Accessed May 1, 2017.
David Barreira. 21.03.2021. De soldado a obrero: las construcciones más espectaculares de los legionarios romanos. El Español. Accesat în 22.03.2021.
Catalogs/ Encyclopedia
Roman Imperial Coinage, Augustus to Vitellius, ed. Mattingly, H., Spink: London, 1923.
Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft: neue Bearbeitung, ed. Pauly, A., et al., J.B. Metzler: Stuttgart, 1894-1980.
Hopkins, J. N. 2016. The Genesis of Roman Architecture. London: Yale University Press. Epub.
Illustrations can be rendered as plates, in A4 format, displayed at the end of the paper, or as figures inserted in the text. Illustrations designed to be included in the text will be named “Figures” (Fig.), numbered in consecutive order.
Plates will be numbered from Pl. I, Pl. II etc. (in the list of illustrations and in the text). Inside plates, different figures (photographs, drawings, etc.) will be numbered with Arabic numerals from 1 to n, Times New Roman font, 11. In the text, each plate or figure will be referenced using Times New Roman font, 11, single-spaced, between parentheses as follows: (Pl. VI or Fig. 6) or for plates with multiple illustrations (Pl. VI/3 or Fig. 6/3). For illustrations that require a legend, include these details also in the illustrations list.
Illustrations must be at a resolution of 300 dpi minimum and can be colored.
For any figures illustrating an artifact, the author must provide the following information: the deposit where it can be found; museum and collection; inventory ID; the author of the photograph or the citation of the initial publication.
If there are any photographs, drawings, plates, sketches etc used in the article that are not made by the author or authors of the article, it is mandatory to mention (in the list of illustrations) if the copyright was obtained for using that particular illustration or a reproduction of it. The corresponding author (first author or not) is responsible for solving any issues regarding copyright and reproduction of the images used in the paper.
The source for each image must be provided. In the case that the illustration belongs to the author/authors use the mentioned Author’s photo, and year.
If the illustration differs from the cited source, please use the following:
After (Author) = used for minor adjustments, for example, image quality.
Adapted after (Author) = used for major changes, like overlays, reinterpretations that are graphically marked, etc.
Tables can be included in the text of the article. These will be numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals (Table 1, Table 2, etc). The source must be mentioned underneath it.
The editorial policy of Cercetări Arheologice does not allow authors to use Artificial Intelligence in the generation of content, except in cases where the aim is to improve the expression and comprehensibility of the text and only with a disclaimer included in footnotes within the article.