The Roman frontier in Lower Dacia: 10. Rădăcinești
Location: Berislăveşti commune Vâlcea county (RAN: 168728.01; VL-I-s-B-09565)
Located in the northern half of the village, at the point “Cetate”; poorly researched, Cr. M. Vlădescu, Gh. Poenaru Bordea 1971-1975; only one phase was observed: 1. stone castellum of rectangular shape, having dimensions of 54.60×56.70 m, oriented N-S; stone wall, built in the opus incertum technique, 1.60 m thick. trapezoidal-shaped corner towers; gates were identified on the S and E sides, with openings of 3.40 m; inside were reported traces of the command building (principia); two building inscriptions from 138 AD serve as evidence for the presence of a (numerus) Syrorum sagittariorum – Suri sagittarii, attested only [sag]ittarii completed based on the inscriptions from the Bivolari fort, see below (CIL III 12604 = IDR II 584; CIL III 12605 = IDR II 585).
Part of the study:
Ovidiu Țentea, Florian Matei-Popescu, Vlad Călina, Frontiera romană din Dacia Inferior. O trecere în revistă și o actualizare. 1., Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 28.1, pag. 9-90, 2021, doi: