Addenda la volumetrie
Addenda la volumetrie
Some time ago had appeared a paper of mine, Introduction in the Pottery’s Volume from VIth Century, in the Northern part of the Lower Danube, in Arheologia Medievală 2 (1988). From that paper is missing an important Appendix, regarding the formula for pots’ capacity. The starting point is the truncated cone formula, corresponding to the upper and lower parts of the pot. It is to get an upper volume (Vol_ab + Vol_bc) and a lower volume (Vol_ag + Vol_gk), taking account of the pottery thickness and all „cone-shape” alteration, due to the real pot shape. One can read the formula with the backup of the draw. You need only one word to be translated: „scara” means „scale”. The values BO and GO have no measurement in Compass System, so its have to be deduced. However, there are a few things to be mentioned. The main measurements are made on the exterior shape because that figures are useful for morphological purposes. On the other hand, the two parts of the formula are not strictly symmetrical, the relevance of the two cases have been considered different. The extreme upper part of the pot, respectively from the neck diameter to the rim, is considered not useful for capacity and it is took off from the calculation. The basic measurements are made in millimetres; the out-put result is in litres. One can have also the volume of the lower part for a fragmentary pot, with minimum adjustment. The capacity for the upper fragmentary pots is available in actual form. The errors expected are less than 1%. There are to take precautions for employing with prehistorical pottery or special shapes, like amphorae with cylindrical body (these last need for sure a special approach; contact the author for details). For cultures with well-developed and empty pot-foot will be necessary some changes.
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How to cite: Eugen S. Teodor, Addenda la volumetrie, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 11, pag. 623-625, 2000, doi:

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