Stone fort, measuring 158 x 124 m, built under Trajan, but abandoned at the beginning of Hadrian’s reign. It was reused at the beginning of the 3rd century, during Caracalla’s reign, tegular material of the legion XI Claudia pia fidelis, respectively Antoninianae. It appears to have been rebuilt at the beginning of the 4th century. The famous treasure hoard, composed of 26 gold objects, known as “Cloșca cu puii de aur”, dated at the beginning of the 5th century, was discovered here. A thermal edifice, surrounded by a perimeter wall (peribolos?), was also investigated.
Lit. TIR L 35, 58; G. Stăicuț, Dovezi epigrafice ale prezenței legiunii XI Claudia la Pietroasele, Musaios 15, 2020, 211-238; G. Stăicuț, Pietroasele – the edifice with hypocaustum. Epigraphic evidence of legio XI Claudia. Catietele ARA (Asociația Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie) 6, 2015, 91-120; Mărgineanu-Cârstoiu, M., Un balneum a Pietroasele, Caietele ARA 6, 91-120