Fibulae from Nicaea in Bithynia (south-eastern Marmara)
Fibulae from Nicaea in Bithynia (south-eastern Marmara)
Archaeological Museum of İznik, Nicaea, Bithynia, Türkiye, Phrygian fibulae, Urartian fibulae, Aucissa fibulae, Zwiebelknopffibels.
In the last fifty years the Archaeological Museum of İznik (ancient Nicaea) in south-eastern Marmara has acquired 14 new fibulae. Twelve of these fibulae date to the Phrygian period, and two examples are from the Roman period. Among Phrygian fibulae there are several examples of the type Caner 1983 A IV, 3 variant, which are most likely of local production in Bithynia. Two other examples appear to be unique due to their size and the shape of their bow.
For the Roman period, one Aucissa fibula and one Zwiebelknopffibel are present, with a pairing that is also found in other Anatolian sites.
At the end of the article in the appendix 1 we present a list, updated to the year 2024, of the all Zwiebelknopffibels known from Türkiye. In the appendix 2 we also present a list of all fibulae from the main archaeological fieldworks in Türkiye between 1983 and 2022 after the appearance of Ertuğrul Caner’s publication in 1983.
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How to cite: Fatih Hakan Kaya, Musa Albayrak, Ergün Lafli, Maurizio Buora, Fibulae from Nicaea in Bithynia (south-eastern Marmara), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 31.2, pag. 487-522, 2024, doi:
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