A 6th Century Iron Spangenhelm from Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice 31.2, 2024, 469-486

A 6th Century Iron Spangenhelm from Capidava

Authors: Alexandru Rațiu Ioan C. Opriș Laurențiu-Marian Angheluță


Spangenhelm, Early-Byzantine military equipment, horreum, Lower Danube limes, virtual restoration (anastylosis).


The paper presents the discovery of a fragmentary iron helmet (23 fragments), during the 1990 archaeological campaign at Capidava (Constanța County). The helmet was found inside the horreum, in a room (an enclosed complex) that ended its functioning during the N2 of Phase IV, in the 580s AD. The intra muros granary (horreum frumentarium) is a three-aisled building preceded by a portico, close to the Main Gate and Gate Tower no 7. The helmet is a Spangenhelm of the Dair-el-Medineh type, made entirely out of iron. All 23 fragments belonged to the bowl of the helmet, with none from an eventual aventail, cheek pieces, or nose guard. As a first restoration method, before the physical one, we chose virtual restoration (anastylosis) of the existing fragments and virtual reconstruction of the helmet.

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Material Suplimentar: Descarcă

How to cite: Alexandru Rațiu, Ioan Carol Opriș, Laurențiu Angheluță, A 6th Century Iron Spangenhelm from Capidava, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 31.2, pag. 469-486, 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.31.2.12


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