A newly discovered Roman camp on the western frontier of Dacia at Mișca, Arad County

Cercetări Arheologice 31.2, 2024, 455-468

A newly discovered Roman camp on the western frontier of Dacia at Mișca, Arad County

Authors: Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu Vágó Katalin


Roman Dacia, Roman camp, LiDAR, western frontier of Dacia, Barbaricum.


High-resolution mapping technologies (especially LiDAR), offer a real chance for archaeology to identify and understand certain structures connected to the Roman conquest of Dacia. The western border of the province is insufficiently explored and comprehended, allowing us to raise a number of specific questions regarding the stages of the conquest or the history of Roman rule in Dacia, even in the context of the boost in research that followed the National Limes Program. This study presents a new site, identified in the Western Plain of Romania, namely in the UAT Mișca, jud. Arad. This discovery, having close morphological connections with some temporary camps documented in the mountainous area near the Dacian fortress of Sarmizegetusa, re-opens the debate concerning the first decades of the Roman province of Dacia and must be understood in the wider context of the Empire’s relations with the neighboring Barbaricum.

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How to cite: Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu, Vágó Katalin, A newly discovered Roman camp on the western frontier of Dacia at Mișca, Arad County, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 31.2, pag. 455-468, 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.31.2.11


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