Roman Military Equipment from Micia Pagus. I

Cercetări Arheologice 31.2, 2024, 397-430

Roman Military Equipment from Micia Pagus. I

Authors: Liviu Petculescu


Roman Dacia, Roman military equipment, Micia, pagus, 2nd-3rd centuries AD.


Among the 58 items dealt with in this paper there are 12 weapons, one armour fragment, one caltrop, 25 personal equipment artefacts, 7 harness fittings and 12 other objects with obscure functions usually published together with the military equipment.

All Micia weapons, armour and 6 from the 7 harness fittings belonged to types spread throughout the Roman limes. The personal equipment artefacts are numerous and diverse: baldric phalerae and a terminal, belt plates, mounts and studs, and strap terminals. The majority of them were diffused mostly on the Danubian frontier and in Orient, especially at Dura Europos. Yet, the openwork broad belt plates nos. 18-19 were fashionable only in Dacia province and the baldric enamelled phalera (no. 16) and the belt plate decorated with a hunting scene (no. 21) are quite rare artefacts. Also, the harness fitting no. 43 represents a local subvariant of the common peltate mounts discovered only in a Tibiscum workshop and at Micia, so far. Among the artefacts with obscure functions there are the small enamelled studs (nos. 51-52) with parallels attested as bridle fittings, the phallic mount (no.55) tentatively identified as a handguard of a ceremonial knife and a fragmentary piece (no.57) similar to a lorica squamata hinge from the Micia fort. Almost all the items with a shorter chronology date from the last quarter of the 2nd century AD until c. AD 260 and most of them were deposited in the period of time immediately preceding the abandonment of the Roman settlement.

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How to cite: Liviu Petculescu, Roman Military Equipment from Micia Pagus. I, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 31.2, pag. 397-430, 2024, doi:


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