On the Restoration of the Chronology of Pontic Olbia 4th – 1st Centuries BC

Cercetări Arheologice 31.2, 2024, 333-346

On the Restoration of the Chronology of Pontic Olbia 4th - 1st Centuries BC

Authors: Mykola Nikolaev


Olbia, chronology, digital epigraphy, digital numismatic, digital history.


The history of studying the most important lapidary inscription of Olbia, the catalogue of eponyms IOSPE I2 201, is considered. The current state of research on this remarkable monument is shown selectively compared with monuments of lapidary, magical, ceramic, and numismatic epigraphy.

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How to cite: Mykola Nikolaev, On the Restoration of the Chronology of Pontic Olbia 4th - 1st Centuries BC, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 31.2, pag. 333-346, 2024, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.31.2.04


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