Excavations in the central area of the roman fort at Băneasa (Teleorman County)
Excavations in the central area of the roman fort at Băneasa (Teleorman County)
Dacia inferior; limes; fort; stamped tiles; pottery
During the last two archaeological campaigns (2021-2022) we worked in the central area of the large fort at Băneasa. As we expected, the trenches have intersected the defensive ditch of the second phase of the fort (it shrank at less than half of the original surface), and the new gate of the eastern precinct. The two phases are similar in many respects, as the shape and the size of the ditch, the almost flat rampart, the undersized palisade, as well as that unique tower-gate, with no analogies for the first half of the third century. There are also some differences; for instance, the end of this fortification seems rather pacific, as rendered by both the stratigraphic rendition and the short list of findings.
There is still some news, as the discovery of stamped tiles, which is a first for this frontier – Limes Transalutanus – all across the plain, south of Pitești City. Unfortunately, those tiles were brought from Slăveni (the largest fort from southern Romania, located 39 km west-northwest of Băneasa, beyond Olt River) therefore we still do not know the name of the military unit garrisoned at Băneasa.
The comparison made for the pottery of the two phases does not show relevant differences, but the chronological gap is not greater than two decades.
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How to cite: Eugen S. Teodor, Emil Dumitrașcu, Excavations in the central area of the roman fort at Băneasa (Teleorman County), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.2, pag. 691-712, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.30.2.16
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