The Roman Sports Cavalry Helmet from Islaz (Teleorman County, Romania)
The Roman Sports Cavalry Helmet from Islaz (Teleorman County, Romania)
Roman Army; Roman Cavalry `Sports` Helmet; Pseudo-Phrygian Helmet; Vechten type; limes Alutanus; Hippika Gymnasia
The topic of this paper is a Roman cavalry sports helmet, or more specifically two halves of the same item, made out of copper alloy. It is part of a category of highly decorated military equipment, designed for parade or, more precisely, used in equestrian games/processions by cavalrymen of the Roman army. It was discovered in the area of the Islaz Roman fortifications, on the Olt River Roman frontier, the so-called limes Alutanus. The discovery in itself is spectacular. Both parts of the helmet were discovered almost in the same place, in two separate occasions, both accidental, by private citizens, in a time span of four months. The two fragments that form a whole helmet are well preserved and they present a strong point for the Roman presence at Islaz. The item in itself is a rare and beautiful find, this helmet in particular being the second of its kind (type) known to be found in the world. The helmet is from the Vechten Type, or pseudo-Phrygian type, named after its only analogy, the helmet from Vechten (Netherlands).
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How to cite: Alexandru Rațiu, Mihaela Simion, Laurențiu-Marian Angheluță, The Roman Sports Cavalry Helmet from Islaz (Teleorman County, Romania), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.2, pag. 669-690, 2023, doi:
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