Samian Ware in Early Roman Contexts at Capidava

Cercetări Arheologice 30.2, 2023, 651-668

Samian Ware in Early Roman Contexts at Capidava

Authors: Alexandru Rațiu Ioan C. Opriș


South Gaulish pottery workshop; terra sigillata; Pontic sigillata; barbotine decoration; Early Roman castellum at Capidava; Roman military barracks


The present paper is part of a series of publications related to the research carried out in the last decade in the early Roman contexts from Capidava (Constanța County), as well. The subject of the article is a batch of 17 fragmentary ceramic vessels, belonging to the terra sigillata category. Of these, the first 16 items (Cat. nos. 1-16) are fragments of imported vessels produced in the famous ceramic production centre of La Graufesenque, in South Gaul. The last vessel, Cat. no. 17, is of local production, from the category called Pontic sigillata decorated by the barbotine technique. The entire batch of ceramic material was discovered during the archaeological excavation carried out at the Late Roman headquarters building (principia), during which the foundations of this building were also excavated. Beneath these foundations were discovered the ruins of an early Roman habitation level represented by military barracks-type buildings, a stone-paved street, a well, a rubbish pit and a waste drain that led to that pit. The material presented by us comes from this earliest context, respectively from all the urban planning elements listed above, especially from the waste drain and the rubbish pit. The dating of the material is early, namely the Flavian era until the end of Trajan’s reign. From this point of view, the ceramic material presented here completes the picture provided by other categories of material previously published from the same archaeological context.

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How to cite: Alexandru Rațiu, Ioan Carol Opriș, Samian Ware in Early Roman Contexts at Capidava, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.2, pag. 651-668, 2023, doi:


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