The memory of Sulla in Ephesus
The memory of Sulla in Ephesus
C. Memmius, the monument of C. Memmius, Ephesus, Asia Minor, first century BC, Late Republican period, Roman East, Latin epigraphy, Roman history
In this brief paper, we focus on the monument of C. Memmius and its inscription in Ephesus in western Turkey. C. Memmius was the grandson of Sulla and was mentioned in the inscription of this Ephesian monument as the epigraph of the dedicatee. After discussing the monument’s function, dating and inscription from different perspectives, in the concluding part, we refer to the positive memory of Sulla in Asia Minor, especially in Ephesus.
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How to cite: Ergün Laflı, Maurizio Buora, The memory of Sulla in Ephesus, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.1, pag. 61-68, 2023, doi:
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