Virtual reconstruction and restoration of an uncommon bronze vessel from the Mălăiești Roman fort
Virtual reconstruction and restoration of an uncommon bronze vessel from the Mălăiești Roman fort
Virtual archaeology, virtual reconstruction, virtual restoration, 3D digitization, Roman military vessel
This paper details the preparation stages and processes for the digital documentation and virtual reconstruction and restoration hypotheses of a heavily damaged archaeological artefact. The presented workflow starts with the immediate actions after the artefact unearthing, going through physical restoration, 3D digitization, virtual restoration (including virtual anastylosis) and a virtual reconstruction hypothesis proposal for the initial shape and looks of the object as when it was created. The artefact subjected to this process is an uncommon bronze vessel found on the premises of the Roman fort from Mălăiești, Prahova County, Romania. The scientific data and archaeological research have already identified with accuracy its dating, chemical composition, and the most probable functionality. All this information was disseminated in a recent study. The authors also discuss the good practice models applied in both virtual and physical restoration and how the two fields intertwine. The digital results are also exhibited in a simple but effective narrative style in the online medium, designed for both public and expert scientific groups.
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How to cite: Laurențiu-Marian Angheluță, Ovidiu Țentea, Alexandru Dozsa, Virtual reconstruction and restoration of an uncommon bronze vessel from the Mălăiești Roman fort, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 29.1, pag. 245-258, 2022, doi:
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