A Roman tree trunk coffin from the Museum of Anamur in Rough Cilicia (southern Turkey)
A Roman tree trunk coffin from the Museum of Anamur in Rough Cilicia (southern Turkey)
Wooden sarcophagus, tree trunk, coffins, Roman period, Late Roman period, Anamur, Rough Cilicia, Asia Minor
This brief paper presents a tree trunk coffin from the Museum of Anamur in western Rough Cilicia in southern Turkey. As wooden sarcophagi of the Roman period are rarely known in scholarly literature, this previously unknown example is of importance for the current research.
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How to cite: Ergün Lafli, Maurizio Buora, A Roman tree trunk coffin from the Museum of Anamur in Rough Cilicia (southern Turkey), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 29.1, pag. 143-148, 2022, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.29.1.07
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