Prunk-Schminkpaletten aus der Formativen Phase Altägyptens. Neue Überlegungen zur Einteilung und Deutung Einer Fundkategorie
Prunk-Schminkpaletten aus der Formativen Phase Altägyptens. Neue Überlegungen zur Einteilung und Deutung Einer Fundkategorie
New Aspects About the Interpretation And Use of the So-Called 'Ceremonial Slate Palettes'
Ceremonial Slate Palette; Naqada; Nar(-mer); Flinders Petrie; Ritual, I st Dynasty, Cosmetics, Burial
In the following article we present some new thoughts on a category of objects long discussed in Egyptology. As ‘Ceremonial Slate Palettes’ we define stone palettes, mostly made of greywacke, that show a certain decoration and are therefore put in a ritual context. In most cases their original contexts are unknown because almost all objects lack an archaeological documentation. One of the aims of this re-view is to present some new ideas concerning the use and original context of the mentioned objects. So far it is presumed that they are associated with temples and therefore own a religious connotation. Most of the ‘normal’ Slate Palettes however are known from tomb contexts.
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How to cite: Robert Kuhn, Prunk-Schminkpaletten aus der Formativen Phase Altägyptens. Neue Überlegungen zur Einteilung und Deutung Einer Fundkategorie, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 18-19, pag. 125-148, 2012, doi:
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