Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona Baloteşti (jud. Ilfov)

Cercetări Arheologice 17, 2010, 177-241

Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona Baloteşti (jud. Ilfov)

Preventive Archaeological Researches in Baloteşti Area (Ilfov County)

Authors: Ovidiu Țentea Sorin Cleșiu Mihai Florea Corina Borș Alexandru Rațiu


arheologie preventivă, arheologie a peisajului, ceramică Latene târziu, amfore

preventive archaeology; landscape archaeology; Late Latene pottery; amphorae


A series of preliminary evidences concerning the archaeological sites along the banks of the Cociovalişte valley were indicated in the ’80s and ’90s throughout a series of field-walkings in the area. Yet, during the last decade, the residential development in the areas north to Bucharest impacted such vestiges, only in few cases being possible to undertake a preventive research prior to the construction works. This study provides an insight upon a preliminary analysis of landscape archaeology in the Baloteşti area, as well as presents the results of the archaeological excavations conducted on a plot of land, situated on the right bank of the Cociovalişte valley. Significantly damaged by subsequent agricultural works and other human activities, the archaeological contexts investigated in here provided a rather large quantity of fragmentary pottery, dated to the 2nd -1st c. AD, certain vessels having analogies on other Late Latene sites from the south-eastern part of nowadays Romania.

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How to cite: Ovidiu Ţentea, Sorin Cleşiu, Mihai Florea, Corina Borş, Alexandru Raţiu, Cercetări arheologice preventive în zona Baloteşti (jud. Ilfov), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 17, pag. 177-241, 2010, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.17.11


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