Cahle medievale descoperite în Muntenia decorate cu scena leul bărbos păzind copacul vieţii

Cercetări Arheologice 17, 2010, 163-174

Cahle medievale descoperite în Muntenia decorate cu scena leul bărbos păzind copacul vieţii

Medieval Stove Tiles Discovered in Muntenia County Featuring the Bearded Lion Guarding the Tree of Life

Authors: Maria–Venera Rădulescu


cahle, leu bărbos, cetate, locuintă. copacul vietii, cruciuliţe

stove tiles; bearded lion; stronghold; dwelling; tree of life; little crosses


The rich ornamental pattern of medieval stove tiles found in Romania includes the bearded /ion guarding the tree of the theme from a popular story of that time in Europe. This particular theme is found on terracotta tiles from the XVth century discovered in Central Europe. In Romania, tiles decorated with this theme and dating from the end of XVth century were found at Suceava Stronghold, Vaslui Royal Court, Făgăraş Stronghold and Târgovişte Royal Court. This ornamental theme is found also on stove tiles dating from the end of the XVlth century, that were discovered at the Floci City (today in ruins), at that time located where Ialomița and Danube rivers merge, at the border between Muntenia County and the Ottoman Empire. The archaeological excavations from 1978, 1980, 1995-1996 uncovered several fragments and a whole piece that were components of heating stoves from two dwellings dating from the end of the XVlth century to the beginning of the XVllth century. This paper analyses the iconography of these artifacts. At the Floci City, the theme was adapted to the local medieval mentality. In that respect, the lion is guarding a tree of life with branches represented by small crosses. Thus, the whole theme is enriched with the symbol of holding intact the Christian religion, paramount for the survival of a small Christian nation geographically located in the close proximity of a powerful Middle Age Muslim Empire.

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How to cite: Maria Venera Rădulescu, Cahle medievale descoperite în Muntenia decorate cu scena leul bărbos păzind copacul vieţii, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 17, pag. 163-174, 2010, doi:


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