Considerații privind sarcofagul „Ghica”

Cercetări Arheologice 12, 2003, 413-424

Considerații privind sarcofagul „Ghica”

Authors: Christina Elena Știrbulescu




The Museum of National History of Romania owns an exceptional monument (inventory no. 18.833), known in the literature as the “Ghica” Sarcophagus. Discovered in 1836 in a tumulus near the Roman road leading to Romula, (today, Reşca village, Dobrosloveni commune, Olt county) this Roman sarcophagus was worked in limestone and is sculpted on all four sides. On the large sides are represented four characters, two male and two female, and three Erotes, whereas on the small sides there are four Erotes in various positions. A series of 24 domestic and wild animals and four masculine figures are sculpted on the border of the box of the sarcophagus. Each of the four corners is decorated with a statue of a winged Victory (Eckniken), carrying palm leaves and crowns. The “Ghica” Sarcophagus belongs to the Asian type with arcades and probably comes out of the Phrygian workshop Dokimeion or of another Asian workshop. We date it in the first quarter of the 3rd century AD.

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How to cite: Christina Elena Știrbulescu, Considerații privind sarcofagul „Ghica”, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 12, pag. 413-424, 2003, doi:

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