Ceramica de Iznik descoperită la Piua Petri,Oraşul de Floci, com. Giurgeni, jud . Ialomiţa (I)

Cercetări Arheologice 10, 1997, 277-289

Ceramica de Iznik descoperită la Piua Petri,Oraşul de Floci, com. Giurgeni, jud . Ialomiţa (I)

Authors: Dana Mihai




Attaining first in Dobrogea the Iznik pottery persuaded then the medieval towns of Romania, among Oraşul de Floci, Ialomiţa county, beginning with the end of XVth century.

In this article we tried to observe „Miletus ‘ type of Iznik pottery discovered in „Oraşul de Floci”, and afterwards the other types, chronological, and according to their forms, from XVIth to XVIIIth century.

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How to cite: Dana Mihai, Ceramica de Iznik descoperită la Piua Petri,Oraşul de Floci, com. Giurgeni, jud . Ialomiţa (I), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 10, pag. 277-289, 1997, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.10.12

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