O locuire hallstatiană târzie la Mlăjet-Buzău

Cercetări Arheologice 10, 1997, 145-161

O locuire hallstatiană târzie la Mlăjet-Buzău

Authors: Valeriu Leahu, Lia Bătrâna, Adrian Bătrâna




Between the 1986-1987 at Mlăjet, commune of Neholu, Buzău county, there have been made researches at the remains of a settlement belonging to the late period of the First Iron Age. There have been discovered two dwellings, an open air fire place and ten garbage pits. The dwellings were of earth hut type – the first having an inward fire – place and the second one an outward fire place, placed very near (plates I,II ).

The cultural and chronological dating of the, settlement, is proved by the ceramic material (plates IV, XI) that has various, and very good analogies with Ferigile – Bârsești culture. This culture is characteristic for the native people, the Getae and is spread on the hills and in the hollows of the southern sub – Carpathians. It lasts from the second half of the 7th century B.C. till the end of the 5th – the beginning of the 4th century B.C.

Taking into consideration the ceramics found there, there have been differentiated two levels within the late Hallstattian settlement: the first one is represented by the earth – hut no. 1 that belongs to the Ferigile III phase and may be dated in the second half of the 5th  century till the beginning of the 4th  century. The second level, represented by the earth – hut no. 2 and by the open air fire place may be dated in the second half of the 4th century B.C. more probably by the end of it. Dated in this way, it results that the level follows after the latest Ferigile type manifestation and belongs to the 5th century B.C. till the beginning of the 4th one.

It remains as a task for the future that by adding new discoveries, to be established if the second level of Mlăjet belongs to Ferigile – Bârseşti culture. This

thing would come to confirm either the opinion that Ferigile – Bârseşti type continues its existence on that area till this 4th – 3rd  centuries B.C. or that this level shows the apparition of another autochtonous culture – the Canlia culture.

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How to cite: Valeriu Leahu, Lia Bătrâna, Adrian Bătrâna, O locuire hallstatiană târzie la Mlăjet-Buzău, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 10, pag. 145-161, 1997, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.10.03

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