Cercetări arheologice în endocarstul din sudul Munţilor Vîlcan
Cercetări arheologice în endocarstul din sudul Munţilor Vîlcan
The archaeological systematic researches in the karstic southern region of the Vîlcan mountains (fig. 1), were started i n 1955 by C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopşor and C. Mateescu (note 2). They maked small excavations in the Cioarei cave at Boroşteni and, from 1956, i n the Muierilor cave at Baia de Fier. In this way were created the premises of the systematic research of the Mousterien Quartzite culture in the zone between Tismana and Olt valleys.
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How to cite: Emilian Alexandrescu, Corneliu Beldiman, Marin Cârciumaru, Steven Β. Mertens, Cercetări arheologice în endocarstul din sudul Munţilor Vîlcan, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 09, pag. 29-34, 1992, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.09.03
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