Aşezarea cucuteniană de la „Balta lui Ciobaniu” (com. Roma, jud. Botoşani)

Cercetări Arheologice 09, 1992, 12-28

Aşezarea cucuteniană de la „Balta lui Ciobaniu” (com. Roma, jud. Botoşani)

Authors: Dragomir Popovici, Costachi Buzdugan, Ioan Alexoaie




In 1985 — 1086, at the time and within the area of some, land improvement works, at the point called ,. Balta lui Ciobanii”, rescue archaeological excavations were performed (Tb. no. 1). Eight dwellings have been investigated exhaustively and four other ones partly (Tb. no. 2) : the total number of dwellings in the settlement was likely to have been up to 15 — 10. 

Based on the research results, the settlement was estimated to have existed at the beginning of the B1 phase of Cucuteni culture.

As the archaeologists could notice, the dwellings were strongly built, although not all of them had floors, some of them had fireplaces inside. It was also interesting to point out that the dwellings were located in 3 rows at equal distance from each other. The dwelling no. 2 was the richest among them. 

The large amount of pottery was severely eroded. Some pots were clumsily made. One could notice that the „type C” pottery was lacking in „Schnurdekor”.

Besides flint arlclactes and several polished stone axes, weights for fishing nets and a spinning windle were found. No metal tool was discovered.

From the archaeologist’s point of view, the pit no. 12 is to be pointed out. There a large amount of vessel, pottery fragments and bones could be found. Among the pottery pieces one should emphasis upon an altar fragment and a small lid with anthropomorphic shape of Vinca type.

Summing up the outcomes of the research works performed in that area, the authors drew the conclusion that there existed a settlement built according to a pre-established plan of a rural type with a low organisation level and an economy based on agriculture. The role played by fishing, animal breeding and hunting is to be determined after the analysis on the bone remains.

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How to cite: Dragomir Popovici, Costachi Buzdugan, Ioan Alexoaie, Aşezarea cucuteniană de la „Balta lui Ciobaniu” (com. Roma, jud. Botoşani), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 09, pag. 12-28, 1992, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.09.02

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