Location: Surdila-Găiseanca commune Buzău county
The Filipești fort (Surdila-Găiseanca commune Buzău county) was also reported by P. Polonic, who arrived at the site before the First World War when he identified and described the “Roman fort from Filipești”. Based on this information, several identification attempts were made in the field, but since its traces are not visible on the spot (due to agricultural works), the location remained unclear between Filipești and Găiseanca villages. The fortification is shaped following the alignment of the rampart that can be seen on photograms from 1954 and the American one from 1966, or those of more recent date (2019). It is rectangular in shape, with dimensions of 529 x 355 m (18.7 ha), oriented WSW-ENE (fig. 8 a-b). The satellite photos show details about the defence rampart, lighter in colour, doubled outwards by a darker stripe corresponding to the fortification trench. The clear outline of all sides of the fortification could be obtained after processing the 1954 photogram. The observations also appear to be confirmed by geophysical surveys.
Ovidiu Țentea, Vlad Călina, Bogdan Condurățeanu, Geanina Butiseacă, Fortificații temporare romane din Muntenia. O evaluare a cercetărilor recente, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 28.2, pag. 337-350, 2021, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.28.2.01
Condurăţeanu, B. 2014. Opening a window into Romania’s distant past with the help of declassified American Cold War spy aircraft imagery. Episode 1. The Roman legion castra from Filipeşti and the Roman forts and Limes Transalutanus from Albota, Piteşti and Mărăcineni. In. Forțiu, S. and Cîntar, A. eds. ArheoVest, Nr. II: In Honorem Gheorghe Lazarovici, Interdisciplinaritate în Arheologie, Timișoara, 6 decembrie 2014, Vol. 2: Metode Interdisciplinare, Asociația „ArheoVest” Timișoara: 793-820. Szeged: JATEPress Kiadó (804 nota 26, 805, fig. 19).