Roman fortifications in Muntenia: 03. Târgșoru Vechi fort
Târgșoru Vechi
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Roman castrum at Târgșoru Vechi, oblique aerial photograph.
The fort from Târgșoru Vechi is partially overlaid by the monastery premises and by the road DJ 129. The supposed dimensions based on recent research are 90×110 m. It was built during the conquest of Dacia and abandoned at the beginning of Hadrian’s reign.
The tegular material contains stamps from the legion XI Claudia pia fidelis and the cohort I Flavia Commagenorum. The baths, located about 80 meters southwest of the fort’s corner, were partially researched during rescue excavations.
Orthophoto map superimposed on satellite image (Google Satellite Imagery)
Diaconu, Gh., Tîrgșor, Necropola din secolele III-IV e.n., Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Române: București, 1965; Ciupercă, B., Măgureanu, A., Anton, A., The Presence of Rome in Barbaricum: Archaeological Evidence of the Interaction between Romans and Barbarians in the Târgşoru Vechi Area, Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012; Măgureanu, A., Ciupercă, B., Constantin, C., Anton, A., The Roman Baths in Târgșoru Vechi, Caietele ARA 8, 2017, 103-114