Mithras exhibited. Perspectives of sensory museology in Mithraic contexts
Mithras exhibited. Perspectives of sensory museology in Mithraic contexts
Roman Religion; Mithras; Sensory Museology; Public Archaeology; Archaeological Parks
The material evidence of the Roman cult of Mithras is one of the most visible and best-preserved heritage of Roman religion from the period of the 2nd- 4th century AD. There are several in situ and reconstructed mithraea in European archaeological parks and museums, where the memory of the cult and its worshippers are evoked. The paper examines some of the most well-known case studies of the Mithraic sanctuaries, focusing on in situ archaeological sites, reconstructed mithraea and museal spaces from Romania, where new, sensorial methods can be used.
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How to cite: Csaba Szabó, Miruna Libiță-Partică, Ioan Muntean, Mithras exhibited. Perspectives of sensory museology in Mithraic contexts, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.2, pag. 737-762, 2023, doi:
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