Preliminary considerations and notes on the Sarmatian burial vestiges of Timișoara – „Hladik 1” (Timiș county)

Cercetări Arheologice 29.2, 2022, 513-540

Preliminary considerations and notes on the Sarmatian burial vestiges of Timișoara – „Hladik 1” (Timiș county)

Authors: Vitalie Bârcă Cristian Florescu Cristinel Fântâneanu Anca Matiș


The Sarmatae, the Iazyges, burials, ritual ditched enclosures, artefacts, the Pannonian Plain, the Banat


The 2019-2020 archaeological research resulted in the discovery, near Timișoara, at site Hladik 1, of a Sarmatae cemetery of which 139 burials have been investigated, some encircled by a ditch. The grave goods in the Timișoara – „Hladik 1” burials, rather varied and rich, are represented by handmade or wheel-thrown pots, domestic and household objects, toiletries, silver coins, adornment and dress items, weapons, etc. The preliminary analysis of the grave goods dates grosso modo the graves’ group to the chronological frame between late 2nd century and last decades of the 3rd century AD.

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How to cite: Vitalie Bârcă, Cristian Florescu, Cristinel Fântâneanu, Anca Matiș, Preliminary considerations and notes on the Sarmatian burial vestiges of Timișoara – „Hladik 1” (Timiș county), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 29.2, pag. 513-540, 2022, doi:


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