Recenzie: Ben Russell The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, xxi + 449 pagini , ISBN 978-973-50-7136-3

Cercetări Arheologice 28.2, 2021, 542-543

Recenzie: Ben Russell The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, xxi + 449 pagini , ISBN 978-973-50-7136-3

Review: Ben Russell The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, xxi + 449 pagini , ISBN 978-973-50-7136-3

Authors: Olteanu Bianca-Cristiana




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How to cite: Olteanu Bianca-Cristina, Recenzie: Ben Russell The Economics of the Roman Stone Trade. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013, xxi + 449 pagini , ISBN 978-973-50-7136-3, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 28.2, pag. 542-543, 2021, doi:

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