Cercetări interdisciplinare în tell-ul de la Vânătorii Mici Momâia (jud. Giurgiu, România)
Cercetări interdisciplinare în tell-ul de la Vânătorii Mici Momâia (jud. Giurgiu, România)
Interdisciplinary Researches on the Tell From Vânâtorii Mici Momâia (Giurgiu County, Romania)
calcolitic, tell Gumelniţa, carotaje stratigrafice, aerofotogrametrie, magnetometrie, elemente de delimitare
Chalcolithic; Gumelniţa tell; 3D laser scanning; stratigraphic corings; aerial photogrammetry; magnetometry; delimitation ditch; dike
We claim once again the fact that the sustainability of a scientific project refers also to the extent to which the Consortium – in our case formed by the National Museum of Romanian History, as coordinator and the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University laşi represented by the Arheolnvest platform – established to implement the CHRONOS Project, is able to carry the same scientific approaches after the end of the financed project. It should be noted in addition that this Consortium is the originator of widely non-intrusive research in SouthCarpathian area. lt is for the first time when based on a consistent methodology, developed, evaluated and implemented successfully, it was undertaken the non-destructive investigation of multilayered Gumelniţa’s settlements, of the hinterland and their contemporary landscape. The tell from Vânătorii Mici Momâia (Giurgiu County) îs one of the investigated sites. For nondestructive evaluation of the site were used 3D scanning, oblique aerial photographs, magnetometrie scanning and the stratigraphic coring survey. lnterdisciplinary analysis of the data obtained showed the existence of a delimiting ditch of the teii, dug at the base of the mound in the floodplain. As in other cases, stratigraphic corings revealed the presence of a „barrier” between the ditch and the effective inhabited area (framed clearly in an area of approximately 210 sq.m.). No matter what might be named (dike, dam, etc.) this covers a large area (usually 7.5-8m wide), but with a relatively low height (less than 1 m in all similar cases). The fact that all other small and medium sized tell sites investigated by CHRONOS team presented the same way of construction – ditch boundary, dike/dam, the actual residential area, itself firmly bounded (with palisades fixed in foundation trenches, as demonstrated by archaeological excavations), leads us to the conclusion that this is the model of the general internal structure of all these settlements.
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How to cite: Cătălin Bem, Andrei Asăndulesei, Constantin Haită, Carmen Bem, Vasile Opriș, Cercetări interdisciplinare în tell-ul de la Vânătorii Mici Momâia (jud. Giurgiu, România), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 20, pag. 209-230, 2013, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.20.08
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