Studiul arheozoologic al unui complex medieval de la Oraşul de Floci
Studiul arheozoologic al unui complex medieval de la Oraşul de Floci
Zooarchaeology Study of a Medieval Complex of Oraşul de Floci
epoca medievală, arheozoologie, mamifere, păsări, peşti
Medieval period; zooarchaeology; mammals; birds; fish
The fauna examined comes from archaeological complex C5 (pit) dated as belonging to the medieval period in the beginning ofthe XVI th century. We identified several classes of animals: fish (6 bones), birds (3), and mammals (371). Zooarchaeology analysis shows that the activity of animal breeding is dominant. The domesticated cattle are the most frequently encountered species, which are followed by the ovicaprines and the pigs. Hunting is poorly represented, only by a single bone which belonged to a wolf. Fish and birds are also present in the diet of the inhabitants which shows the presence of other occupations such as fishing and poultry farming.
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How to cite: Adrian Bălăşescu, Irina Ene, Valentin Radu, Studiul arheozoologic al unui complex medieval de la Oraşul de Floci, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 17, pag. 293-310, 2010, doi:
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