Zu Einigen Aegyptiaca aus dem Nationalmuseum für Rumänische geschichte, Bukarest (Rumänien)
Zu Einigen Aegyptiaca aus dem Nationalmuseum für Rumänische geschichte, Bukarest (Rumänien)
About Some Aegyptiaca From the National History Museum, Bucharest (Romania)
Egyptian Pottery; Egyptian Predynastic Period; Formative Phase; Black-Topped-Ware; Red-Polished Ware; Naqada; Petrie; Sutzu; Bolliac; Menkheperrasonb; Funerary Cone; Egyptian Mummy
In the following article we will publish six pre dynastic objects of pottery given to the Museum as a donation by Mihail C. Sutzu. Ali items are made of Nile clay and date back to the stages of Naqada I-II. It looks like as they could all belong to the same tomb inventory. Just one pot, belonging to Petrie’s P-Ware is a bit younger in date (Naqada II/III). The description and dating as well as a try of interpretation follows a short critical summary of Petrie’s seriation method developed at the beginning of the 19th century. The second part will deal with the presentation of a funerary cone of the Highpriest of Amun, Mn-Hpr-Re-snb, dating back to the 18th Dynasty.
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How to cite: Robert Kuhn, Zu Einigen Aegyptiaca aus dem Nationalmuseum für Rumänische geschichte, Bukarest (Rumänien), Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 17, pag. 263-282, 2010, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.17.14
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