Petrografia materialului litic descoperit la Bordușani – Popină în campaniile de cercetări arheologice 1995-1997

Cercetări Arheologice 13, 2006, 409-412

Petrografia materialului litic descoperit la Bordușani - Popină în campaniile de cercetări arheologice 1995-1997

Petrographic Study of Lithic Material Discovered at Borduşani-Popină During Archaeological Campaigns 1995-1997

Authors: Constantin Haită Mihai Tomescu


eneolitic, tell, inventar litic, petrografie, arii sursă

Eneolithic; tell; lithic inventory; petrography; source areas


The lithic inventory (artifacts and rock fragments) discovered on the Eneolithic tell-type settlement Borduşani Popină during the 1995-1997 archaeological excavations represents several rock types: silicolith, limestone, marl, gritty limestone, sandstone, micro-conglomerate, green-schist, mica-schist, quartzite, dolerite and granodiorite. Most of these rock types crop out on large areas in Dobrogea, with potential source areas for the lithic material located as close as 10-20 km away from the settlement. However, for the igneous rocks the closest outcrops are located in North Dobrogea, at distances of minimum 70-80 km from the settlement.

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How to cite: Constantin Haită, Alexandru M.F. Tomescu, Petrografia materialului litic descoperit la Bordușani - Popină în campaniile de cercetări arheologice 1995-1997, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 13, pag. 409-412, 2006, doi:


  1. C. Haită, M. Tomescu 1997, Lithic resources, în S. Marinescu-Bîlcu et alii, Archaeological Researches at Borduşani Popină (Ialomiţa County), preliminary report 1993 – 1994, Cercetări Arheologice, X, Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României, Bucureşti, p. 132-136.

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