Once again on the roman military equipment in Barbaricum near the Roman Dacia

Cercetări Arheologice 30.1, 2023, 169-180

Once again on the roman military equipment in Barbaricum near the Roman Dacia

Authors: Liviu Petculescu


Roman Dacia, Dacian limes, Roman military equipment, Barbaricum, Moesia Inferior


This paper is an up-to-date research on the Roman military equipment found in Barbaricum beyond the Dacian limes previously dealt with in a lecture published in 1999 in the Proceedings of the 17th Congress of the Frontier Studies.

The discussion of other 10 items gave the opportunity to draw additional conclusions and find more evidence for the already made statements. So, nine pieces (nos. 1-9) were discovered in the autochthonous settlements concentrated in the central part of the historical region of Wallachia (Fig. 1). Among them there are only two weapon accessories (nos. 4 and 8) and the rest of the items (nos. 1-3, 5-7, 9) are belt and baldric fittings. All the military equipment pieces date from the end of the 2nd century AD until c. AD 260. The origin of the items found at Mătăsaru (nos. 7-9) is almost certain in Roman Dacia. The others (nos. 1-6) discovered along the roads linking the southern Danubian bank with the main part of Roman Dacia placed inside the Carpathian Mountains probably originate in Moesia Inferior. The earlier piece (no. 10) unearthed in the Vandal settlement at Medieșu Aurit was obviously imported from Dacia Porolissensis.

Both weapon accessories belong to types distributed throughout the Roman Empire. No. 6 is a representative of the eastern variant of the ring-buckles met in Syria, Dacia and Moesia and the rest of the belt and baldric fittings belong to variants diffused only in the Danubian provinces.

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How to cite: Liviu Petculescu, Once again on the roman military equipment in Barbaricum near the Roman Dacia, Cercetări Arheologice, Vol. 30.1, pag. 169-180, 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.30.1.09


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