Cercetări Arheologice nr. 30.1/2023

Cercetări Arheologice nr. 30.1, anul 2023



Parastoo Masjedi Khak, Hassan Kohansal Vajargah, Mostafa Khazaie Kouhpar
The Archaeo-Mineralogy of Tapeh Kelar’s potsherds dated to the Late Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, and Middle Bronze Ages
Alireza Hejebri Nobari, Nesa Judy
Settlement Patterns of Bronze-Age Sites of the Upper and Middle Atrak Basin in Northeastern Iran
Vahid Azadi, Karim Hajizadeh Bastani, Habib Shahbazi Shiran
Investigating the representation of the Lydian delegation in the reliefs of the eastern staircase of Apadana (case study: vessels and jewellery)
Ergün Laflı, Maurizio Buora
The memory of Sulla in Ephesus
Mihai Bărbulescu
Cercetări inedite în castrul legionar din Potaissa (1987-1992, 2011)
Sergiu-Traian Socaciu, Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu, Sorin Cociș
Cercetări arheologice din vicus-ul de la Sutor. Campania 2022
Victor Bunoiu, Florian Matei-Popescu, Gavril Eugen Văcuță
Noi cărămizi ștampilate ale legiunii VII Claudia pia fidelis din Podul lui Traian de la Drobeta
Silvia Mustață
Coarse ware jugs in funerary context: technical and functional observations on the pottery from the cemeteries at Alburnus Maior
Liviu Petculescu
Once again on the roman military equipment in Barbaricum near the Roman Dacia
Remus Feraru
Cultul Muzelor în coloniile milesiene de la Pontul Euxin
Alexandru Rațiu, Ioan C. Opriș, Mihai Duca
Fine wares from the Late Roman ‘Principia’at Capidava (II)
Fariborz Tahmasebi, Reza Rezalou, Ardashir Javanmardzadeh, Esmaiel Maroufi Aghdam
An Archaeological look into simple pit burials at Tepe Qara Hasanlu, Namin, Ardabil
Cüneyt Öz
A late roman Ampulla with the depiction of Saint Menas from Andriake Church B
Alireza Rostami, Araz Najafi, Farzad Mafi
The study and analysis of Semiran City-Castle based on the results of archaeological surveys
Boaz Zissu
Archaeological explorations at ‘En Qobi in the Jerusalem Highlands and the identification of Qube/Qubi
Eugen S. Teodor, András Sófalvi, Dan Ștefan, Răzvan Bolba
A Teutonic stronghold in the Carpathian Mountains
Arsen Harutyunyan
The mirror-writing epigraphic cryptography of Tatev monastery and similar parallels
Ioana Maria Cortea, Ovidiu Țentea
Characterization of residues found within some Roman unguentaria glass artefacts: preliminary results of a multi-disciplinary approach
Delia Moisil
Descoperiri monetare antice din România (VIII)
Bogdan-Ștefan Novac
Review: Joseph Maran3, Radu Băjenaru4, Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi5, Anca-Diana Popescu4 and Svend Hansen6 (ed.), Objects, Ideas and Travelers. Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean, and Western Anatolia during the Bronze and Early Iron Age- Volume to the memory of Alexandru Vulpe Proceedings of the Conference in Tulcea, 10-13 November, 2017. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie1, Aus dem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Heidelberg2, vol. 350, Bonn, Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH7, 2020, 578 p. ISBN 978-3-7749-4248-6
Miruna Libiță-Partică
Recenzie: Thomas Galoppin, Elodie Guillon, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Sylvain Lebreton, Max Luaces, Fabio Porzia, Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli, Jörg Rüpke, and Corinne Bonnet, Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean, De Gruyter, 2023, 1080 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-079649-0
Ioan Muntean
Recenzie: Csaba Szabó, Roman Religion in the Danubian Provinces, Oxford and Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2022, 312 pp, ISBN 978-1-78925-783-0