Cercetări Arheologice nr. 30.1/2023 Cercetări Arheologice nr. 30.1, anul 2023 https://doi.org/10.46535/ca.30.1 CUPRINS Parastoo Masjedi Khak, Hassan Kohansal Vajargah, Mostafa Khazaie Kouhpar The Archaeo-Mineralogy of Tapeh Kelar’s potsherds dated to the Late Chalcolithic, Early Bronze, and Middle Bronze Ages 11-28 Alireza Hejebri Nobari, Nesa Judy Settlement Patterns of Bronze-Age Sites of the Upper and Middle Atrak Basin in Northeastern Iran 29-44 Vahid Azadi, Karim Hajizadeh Bastani, Habib Shahbazi Shiran Investigating the representation of the Lydian delegation in the reliefs of the eastern staircase of Apadana (case study: vessels and jewellery) 45-60 Ergün Laflı, Maurizio Buora The memory of Sulla in Ephesus 61-68 Mihai Bărbulescu Cercetări inedite în castrul legionar din Potaissa (1987-1992, 2011) 69-84 Sergiu-Traian Socaciu, Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu, Sorin Cociș Cercetări arheologice din vicus-ul de la Sutor. Campania 2022 85-108 Victor Bunoiu, Florian Matei-Popescu, Gavril Eugen Văcuță Noi cărămizi ștampilate ale legiunii VII Claudia pia fidelis din Podul lui Traian de la Drobeta 109-144 Silvia Mustață Coarse ware jugs in funerary context: technical and functional observations on the pottery from the cemeteries at Alburnus Maior 145-168 Liviu Petculescu Once again on the roman military equipment in Barbaricum near the Roman Dacia 169-180 Remus Feraru Cultul Muzelor în coloniile milesiene de la Pontul Euxin 181-188 Alexandru Rațiu, Ioan C. Opriș, Mihai Duca Fine wares from the Late Roman ‘Principia’at Capidava (II) 189-216 Fariborz Tahmasebi, Reza Rezalou, Ardashir Javanmardzadeh, Esmaiel Maroufi Aghdam An Archaeological look into simple pit burials at Tepe Qara Hasanlu, Namin, Ardabil 217-236 Cüneyt Öz A late roman Ampulla with the depiction of Saint Menas from Andriake Church B 237-246 Alireza Rostami, Araz Najafi, Farzad Mafi The study and analysis of Semiran City-Castle based on the results of archaeological surveys 247-262 Boaz Zissu Archaeological explorations at ‘En Qobi in the Jerusalem Highlands and the identification of Qube/Qubi 263-284 Eugen S. Teodor, András Sófalvi, Dan Ștefan, Răzvan Bolba A Teutonic stronghold in the Carpathian Mountains 285-332 Arsen Harutyunyan The mirror-writing epigraphic cryptography of Tatev monastery and similar parallels 333-344 Ioana Maria Cortea, Ovidiu Țentea Characterization of residues found within some Roman unguentaria glass artefacts: preliminary results of a multi-disciplinary approach 345-354 Delia Moisil Descoperiri monetare antice din România (VIII) 355-378 Bogdan-Ștefan Novac Review: Joseph Maran3, Radu Băjenaru4, Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi5, Anca-Diana Popescu4 and Svend Hansen6 (ed.), Objects, Ideas and Travelers. Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean, and Western Anatolia during the Bronze and Early Iron Age- Volume to the memory of Alexandru Vulpe Proceedings of the Conference in Tulcea, 10-13 November, 2017. Universitätsforschungen zur prähistorischen Archäologie1, Aus dem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Heidelberg2, vol. 350, Bonn, Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH7, 2020, 578 p. ISBN 978-3-7749-4248-6 379-381 Miruna Libiță-Partică Recenzie: Thomas Galoppin, Elodie Guillon, Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Sylvain Lebreton, Max Luaces, Fabio Porzia, Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli, Jörg Rüpke, and Corinne Bonnet, Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean, De Gruyter, 2023, 1080 pp., ISBN 978-3-11-079649-0 385-386 Ioan Muntean Recenzie: Csaba Szabó, Roman Religion in the Danubian Provinces, Oxford and Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2022, 312 pp, ISBN 978-1-78925-783-0 387-388